All it takes is one step at a time. In order to move forward on your path, that is. Sometimes I have difficulty doing that, especially when I feel like I haven’t made enough of an advancement to be proud of. On top of that, I’m completely aware I haven’t touched this blog in months and I often feel guilty that I’m not keeping up with it. It’s a big burden to bear and I’m the one who put it there! Ick! So, instead of beating myself up mentally, I’ve chosen to believe that my faithful readers will appreciate my posts, whenever it is that I do decide to post. 🙂
So with one foot in front of the other and another and another, I have managed to overcome great hurt and loss with people who I thought were my friends and are no longer, and 2 men whom I chose to be vulnerable with and they were unable to respond with mutual authenticity and respect. 2012 did not start off on a good note and even I was surprised! Yet, with all that going on, I was still working towards my goals and was definitely not going to let my dreams suffer! In one of my recent Tweets I said, “The only person who can hold you back is yourself! So stay positive in your thoughts and continue to break free! #freedomisyours :)” and I truly believe that! I have forgiven myself for any choices that may have led to my disappointment and hurt, and I continue to “break free” every day! 😉
What have I accomplished since then? Well, I have summoned the courage to ask an incredible visionary to be a mentor (he said yes), I have submitted an application and video to be nominated for an in-person audition for TED2013, and I met an amazing young woman who is giving me the opportunity to share my gifts and messages with the world on one of my favorite radio stations! Yes! Dreams DO come true! 😀
Everything I’ve worked through, have learned from and experienced has brought me to this point. I’m in a place where I can say to myself and to YOU that you are an incredible human being with many gifts, with so much love and so many people are supporting and rooting for you! Keep putting one foot in front of the other. Trust. Believe. Have the faith that it will all turn out okay, and in many cases, way better than you ever imagined!!! 😉
If you’re interested in listening to the radio show, I’ll be on Q103 (you can listen LIVE by clicking on “Click to listen” on the right side of the page), on Tuesday, April 17th from 4-5p HST. I am super-duper excited and freaking out all at the same time. Like, is this REALLY happening? This is an incredible opportunity and I just feel so blessed. And, I would be honored if you took the time to listen and be a part of the show! We will be taking LIVE callers and I will be providing insight intended to uplift, inspire and guide the caller and everyone listening on their path! 🙂
Whether you tune in or not, thank you for reading and ’til next time, Happy Dreaming! 😉