Unplugging, Travel & Life

How many of you are addicted to Social Media? Is it difficult to keep your phone off? When was the last time you took a picture without instantly wanting to upload it to a Social Network?

Well, what if for a few days around the holidays, you did something a little different? Like ‘unplug’, detach, leave the phone at home?

As a business owner, it can be tempting to want to constantly keep everyone up to date, to make sure I’m not missing anything in the business world.

At the end of the day, all we have is that day. And often times we spend it online, instead of having face-to-face engaging conversations. And sometimes, we’ll be out with our friends, and still focusing on our phones, rather than our friends, completely missing the point why we got together in the first place!

And as I have mentioned about my new ‘Living More, Working Less’ mantra, this fits in nicely.

Do you think you can unplug?
Give yourself a break! For those of us who remember what it was like before the internet, I’m sure we could do it! 😉

One of the ways I love to unplug is by traveling. Even though many airlines have Wi-Fi in the sky, I love the opportunity to shut everything down, and read a book! Get out of my home and live! Visit countries I’ve never been to before and have an adventure in the unknown!

According to some of the tips in “Allow Yourself to ‘Unplug’ This Holiday Season“, I actually had the battery in my watch replaced so I could tell time without my phone. I also bring a regular camera that does not have internet/sharing capabilities. So, that’s how I begin to unplug. Further, smartphones become very costly to use overseas, so I turn data off and only use it in areas with Wi-Fi.

So anyone up for unplugging? Maybe you’ll decide you’d like to start living more…

Just a thought…

‘Til next time, thanks for reading and Happy Dreaming! 🙂