Life & Dying

Here’s the truth about Life.

From the moment we are born, we are dying. Those who are actually told when they will die (from diseases, accidents, surgeries, etc.) have an opportunity to choose how they want to leave earth, whenever that is. They have the choice of how they want to live while they are here, and if they have anything they’d like to change, or people with whom they’d like to make amends with, they know how much time (approximately) they have to do so.

However, for the rest of us, WE are given that same opportunity, it just looks different. Because we haven’t been given a timeline, we have an opportunity in EVERY DAY of our lives to make amends and choose how we want to live.

Questions to ask yourself: If you were going to die tomorrow, would you change anything about your life? Would you reach out to someone you haven’t spoken with in a while? Is there anyone you would like to apologize to? Are you proud of how you have lived your life?

Since you really don’t know when your time is “up”, every day is another day for you to make a change, if you wanted to. When people say, “be grateful you have another day”, it’s true! Think about all the people who went to work in NYC on the morning of September 11, 2001. Even though I didn’t work in or near the World Trade Center, my life was affected by what happened. And imagine all those who woke up and went to work that day and never woke up again.

Our intuition serves as a guide even in that area. Some folks knew it was “their time”, and others made peace with it. And I bet there was a handful who really weren’t expecting to die that day.

So, the truth is that we’re ALL going to die one day. At this very moment, you are dying. When is that day? You don’t know, unless you are tuned into your intuition and you trust your guidance system.

The questions to ask yourself now are:

How do I want to live?

Am I happy with my life?

Do I have a ‘bucket list’, and if so, have I crossed anything off it yet?

If I am not happy with my life, what can I do to change it, even if it’s a small step?
(A step is a step, no matter its size, it’s still moving you forward.)

Is there anyone I wish I could speak with? Is there anyone I miss and with whom wish I could communicate?
(If any of these people have already passed, you CAN tell them you miss them. If you feel you need to make amends with someone who has passed, you CAN do so. Just call their name, internally in your mind or out loud, and share with them what you feel is in your heart. It’s never too late, they can still hear you.)

Are there any dreams I wish I would have pursued?
(It doesn’t matter your age, it’s never too late. I know a woman who, at 92 went back to school to get her college degree.)

Choose to live a life you’re proud of and think about how you want to be remembered. THIS is YOUR TIME, RIGHT NOW, and NOW, and NOW. Go! Live! Be Happy! You deserve to live a great life!

‘Til next time, thanks for reading & Happy Dreaming! 🙂



“You think you know, but you have no idea.”

Remember the MTV show “Diary?” The slogan and tag line that guests said at the beginning was “You think you know, but you have no idea.”

I know exactly what they were talking about.

People judge me, people judge each other and themselves, constantly. We think we “know” exactly who somebody is by the way they dress, what they eat, where they shop, or even by where they grew up. But that is all BS.

Many people wear masks, to hide their insecurities. If we look good on the outside, no one will know what really happens on the inside. Or even the opposite, some people will diminish their appearance so that no one will mis-judge them, or take advantage of them.

I remember when I was growing up I used to lie about where I was from because I didn’t want to be judged or assumed to have a certain lifestyle just because of the town where I grew up. People judged me anyways. If it wasn’t for one thing, they’d find another.

This still exists today. Nothing has really changed, other than I have become comfortable in my own skin.

When you are secure with who you are, the path you are on and confident in the dreams you have, then you are truly free to be yourself and just BE.

The thing about being comfortable in your own skin is that you start to see who is NOT comfortable in theirs. Jealousy, ego, hate, competition, fear and judgement are all traits in people that you will see, as a result of you living in your own truth.

You can usually spot those people by comments such as:

“You have it so easy.” “You are so lucky.” “I hate you, just kidding.” “You should be careful about what you say and where you go.” “I wish I had your life.” “You can’t have it all, it’s impossible.”

And then there are those who wear a good mask and smile with you, and it’s in what they DON’T say and do, that lets you know they are not on your team. For example, if somebody agrees to do something for you and then doesn’t follow up or honor the agreement, there’s likely an underlying reason. If they never give you a reason why they haven’t honored the agreement, you can be sure they are avoiding you because of some underlying guilt, shame, fear, judgement, ego, whatever, unless they are dead or in the hospital. And even then, it’s possible their fear could have eaten them up inside. (It happens all the time.)

Why am I sharing this with you, especially when I believe we need to focus on the good, happy things in our lives, and place our energy in living our dreams?

It is because even though we do not want to feed more energy into the negative, it is important to know that it’s there.

I used to turn a blind eye to all the negative stuff in the world. I didn’t want to know about it, I didn’t want to feel it in my space, I didn’t want to know that it was happening and I thought that if I focused my energy on what’s “good,” it would all go away. But it hasn’t. People are still fighting wars over EVERYTHING. People think there is lack and limitation in the world, therefore they feel they need to fight for what they believe is theirs, and will hold onto it, even if it kills them. Start to be truthful with the people in your life and you will begin to see people are way more forgiving than you thought or could imagine. You’ll also find out that people are much like you, and may even share a similar journey. So once where there was competition and hate, there could now be camaraderie, understanding, and LOVE.

The truth is that what we really want is to be loved. It’s who we are at the CORE. It’s what we all share in common. If we all supported one another, loved one another unconditionally and wanted to see and help everyone be the best they can be and live their dreams, money would no longer be seen as interference, or the road to success. Can you imagine a world where we love ourselves and others so much that that is all that is being reflected back to us, all the time? It is one of my dreams to live in THAT world.

Money is an object, love is a feeling. Start with what is already inside of you, and build on that.

So, the next time you think you know someone, don’t assume and judge. Instead, why not ask questions and take time to get to know them? You might end up with a new friend, or even a lovah! Ha!

‘Til next time, thanks for reading and Happy Loving! 🙂