One foot in front of the other…

All it takes is one step at a time. In order to move forward on your path, that is. Sometimes I have difficulty doing that, especially when I feel like I haven’t made enough of an advancement to be proud of. On top of that, I’m completely aware I haven’t touched this blog in months and I often feel guilty that I’m not keeping up with it. It’s a big burden to bear and I’m the one who put it there! Ick! So, instead of beating myself up mentally, I’ve chosen to believe that my faithful readers will appreciate my posts, whenever it is that I do decide to post. 🙂

So with one foot in front of the other and another and another, I have managed to overcome great hurt and loss with people who I thought were my friends and are no longer, and 2 men whom I chose to be vulnerable with and they were unable to respond with mutual authenticity and respect. 2012 did not start off on a good note and even I was surprised! Yet, with all that going on, I was still working towards my goals and was definitely not going to let my dreams suffer! In one of my recent Tweets I said, “The only person who can hold you back is yourself! So stay positive in your thoughts and continue to break free! #freedomisyours :)” and I truly believe that! I have forgiven myself for any choices that may have led to my disappointment and hurt, and I continue to “break free” every day! 😉

What have I accomplished since then? Well, I have summoned the courage to ask an incredible visionary to be a mentor (he said yes), I have submitted an application and video to be nominated for an in-person audition for TED2013, and I met an amazing young woman who is giving me the opportunity to share my gifts and messages with the world on one of my favorite radio stations! Yes! Dreams DO come true! 😀

Everything I’ve worked through, have learned from and experienced has brought me to this point. I’m in a place where I can say to myself and to YOU that you are an incredible human being with many gifts, with so much love and so many people are supporting and rooting for you! Keep putting one foot in front of the other. Trust. Believe. Have the faith that it will all turn out okay, and in many cases, way better than you ever imagined!!! 😉

If you’re interested in listening to the radio show, I’ll be on Q103 (you can listen LIVE by clicking on “Click to listen” on the right side of the page), on Tuesday, April 17th from 4-5p HST. 
I am super-duper excited and freaking out all at the same time. Like, is this REALLY happening? This is an incredible opportunity and I just feel so blessed. And, I would be honored if you took the time to listen and be a part of the show! We will be taking LIVE callers and I will be providing insight intended to uplift, inspire and guide the caller and everyone listening on their path! 🙂

Whether you tune in or not, thank you for reading and ’til next time, Happy Dreaming! 😉

Are you dreaming this Holiday Season?

Aloha dreamers! 🙂

I had considered closing down this blog a few months ago, but I hung in there and decided to keep it moving! 🙂

So as an update with what’s happened since I last wrote, I have lots to share! Firstly, my Spiritual Website is LIVE! Check out to book a session with me! I am offering Mediumship & Intuitive readings, and Angel Practitioner Services. What are Angel Practitioner services? Well, go to my website and have a look! Everything is explained for your perusal and at your convenience! You can even read Testimonials if you’re just not quite sure about it all… 😉

Working on that website took up so much of my time, but was so worth it!! And I’m very happy with the end result! So, if you have something you’ve been working on, don’t give up! Seeing a dream through ’til the end is SO rewarding!

Which brings me to my other dream! Now that my Spiritual site is up, I can get back to working on The Happy Channel! It has always been there, hanging out in the back of my mind and never forgotten. I have big dreams still with The Happy Channel and seeing as how 2012 is going to be upon us very soon, I feel now is the perfect time to be working on it again.

2012 is going to be a big year for all of us. We are expanding our spiritual awareness, within ourselves and with the world. Shifts have already been occurring, and I’m sure many of you have felt it or you can sense “something” is happening. This is not a time to be afraid. Truthfully it is about aligning yourself with your higher purpose and coming into your integrity. For those who have been operating inconsistent with their higher selves, they will have the greatest difficulty with the shift. Have you ever heard the term, “what you resist, persists?” I can tell you first-hand that fighting yourself just ain’t fun! Your fears are keeping you from experiencing all that life has to offer! Including achieving your dreams!

So, The Happy Channel is intended to help you through that process. Bringing your awareness to the joy and happiness that already lives inside of you and expanding on that, so much so, that your fears will become smaller and smaller and your courage will grow! It will be a place where you will want to share your happiness with others too! You might even make new friends who live on the other side of the world! Sounds cool, right?

And if all that sounds really exciting and inspires you, maybe you’d consider being on The Happy Channel team? At the moment I am looking to create a team of individuals, from all over the world who enjoy sharing the best moments of their life with the world! If that sounds like you, please email me at:

So for this holiday season, I want to know, what are you dreaming of receiving? Has Santa received a list of your must-haves? Can you see the gifts you want being presented to you during the holidays? Can you see yourself happy, truly and authentically happy knowing your dreams have and are coming true? Go for the BIG things, the things you don’t even think are possible. Just imagine what it would look like if you received everything you ever wanted!

My wish for you this holiday season is that your dreams become a reality. Even if a small step is made, it’s a step in the direction of you having what you want. No dream is too small or too big.

So dream on my dreamers and Happy Holidays!!!

‘Til next time, thanks for reading and Happy Dreaming!!! 🙂

Are you living your best life?

Are you living your best life?

It sounds like something Oprah would ask you, and I want to know too! Are you living your best life?

Do you love your life? Do you enjoy your line of work? Do you even consider it ‘work’? Do you have a life you’ve always dreamed of? It’s time for you to say YES!

I love my life. I love traveling, I love being of service to people & dreams have come true!

Just so you know, this wasn’t always the case.

To give you some background, I used to struggle, suffer, complain, be the victim, blame others, and where did that get me? Upset and unhappy. And I was sick a lot. Can you relate?

I spent many years thinking that ending my life would be better than living it until one day I met a man who had a grin ear-to-ear for no reason! (If I’ve shared this with you in a previous post, please bear with me, it’s still relevant. LOL) At first I thought there was something wrong with him, but every time I saw him he was smiling and what really bugged me was that I wanted that! I wanted to be happy and smiling all the time! So, I asked him why he was always smiling, how he got that way, lol, and he told me how he transformed his life. He told me about a few courses I could take, but all I had to do was go online, do a search and go with the one I liked! I had enough of being miserable, so I scoured the internet for transformative programs to help me turn my life around. And thus my personal growth began.

This blog post isn’t about all the classes I’ve taken, or what I’ve taken or where I went to transform my life. This blog post is about the fact I changed my life and so can you!

The moment I started to take an interest in becoming the best me I could be, things began to shift. As I invested in myself, I began to understand why & how I ticked and how to tick differently! The more I yearned to rediscover myself, the more my life changed. You might be wondering, how did it change?

First, how my life looked before; I disliked my job and stayed in it because I didn’t think I could find something better. I had almost no female friends. My dating life looked like a revolving door. I was insecure and scared, putting myself in dangerous situations almost on purpose, like I had nothing to lose and didn’t care! I was living a life of fear!

I loved to play the victim. If I was the victim, I got attention. I thought that was how to get attention, how to get love, but it was really manipulation. I had to get out of my own way to see how I was responsible for not having the love I wanted or the friendships I desired.

When I started to invest in myself, I learned how to LIVE.

What I learned was that I wasn’t able to attract men who were honest, kind and respectful until I became honest, kind and respectful with myself first. I wasn’t able to attract loving, generous & open friends until I became the same. You attract who you are.

My friendships changed, my relationships with my immediate and extended family changed, my view of myself changed, I became responsible for my actions and choices and now I live a life with integrity!

Just so you know, investing in yourself does take some work. It takes courage to look at yourself and the choices you’ve made thus far. It takes the willingness to learn, to be open to a new perspective. The reward though, is worth it!

Life is an on-going journey, with lessons to be learned daily. When my life started to change, I kept going. I continue to take classes in areas of interest because I want to have a mastery of how to live my best life!

As a result of my hard work and dedication to myself, I have a life that I love! I live in Hawaii, in a home I love, I’ve started 2 new businesses that I intend to grow to help millions of people and I’m continuing to see my dreams come true! 🙂

So, what I want to know is, are you ready to invest in yourself? Did you once invest in yourself and then stopped when you didn’t see the results you wanted? Keep going! You are more ready than you know and you deserve to live the life of your dreams! 🙂 What are you waiting for? Your best life is waiting for you now!

‘Til next time, thanks for reading, and Happy Dreaming! 🙂

What makes you happy? :)

Hi there! 🙂

How are you? I really hope you are doing well. As a planet, we’ve had a lot of devastation lately. It’s sad, and yet I feel that we are adjusting as well as we can right now.

So, with all this stuff going on, wouldn’t it be a great time for some happy news? Me thinks so. 🙂

About 2 years ago, I spoke about a dream of mine on this blog to create inspirational television programming by using a website as my platform. Well, the website is almost complete! Yippee!!!

It was almost 4 years ago that this seed of an idea entered my mind and now I am in the final stages of making it a reality! WOW! Dreams really do come true! Even the BIG ones! 😉

So, drum roll please…

Where is this wonderful place you ask? It’s The Happy Channel of course! 😉

The full site is not up yet, but there is a Sign Up page where you can enter your name and email address and be notified of updates and news of our launch!

And, at this present time we are looking for Contributors too! Are you someone who wants to make a difference in the world? Do you have something you want to share and think it will leave people feeling happy and good about themselves? If your answer is YES, please send an email to: and let’s talk about it! 🙂

If you’re on Facebook, please join us on our Fan Page too! We’re a growing community and would love to have you be a part of it! 🙂

So, the question is, what makes you happy? Come join us on The Happy Channel, and let us know! 🙂

I’m SO excited! This goes to show that dreams, even BIG ones DO come true!!! Just hang in there, have faith and believe in yourself! 🙂

‘Til next time, thanks for reading and Happy Dreaming! 🙂

Another day to love…

Valentine’s Day. Just reading that, what feelings stir up inside you? Feelings of romanticism? Grief? Excitement? LOVE? Dread? Lol. For every person, it’s something different, but as the years have gone on, it seems like the majority of people I encounter somewhat despise V-Day. Maybe because it’s an excuse for card companies, restaurants and corporations to capitalize on how to make more money by pulling on your heart-strings. But isn’t that what happens every holiday?

For me, it’s been a rare occasion that I’ve had a Valentine. Yes, I’ve had flowers delivered to my workplace and home by a friend, boyfriend or secret admirer and I’ve even had cards sent to me, but the stuff I’ve dreamed of; a romantic dinner by candlelight, followed by a romantic undressing of clothes and a hot and steamy night of passionate sex, has never happened. I would imagine every year that the condom companies must be selling out in anticipation of all the sex that would be had on Valentine’s night. (Seriously.)

The sad thing about having these dreams not come true is that I made it mean something about myself. That I’m unlovable, unworthy, unattractive, not good enough, etc. And so every year that I didn’t have a specific man to shower me with attention and love on this particular day, I’d go into a depression.  Not a deep one, just a sad and pathetic one. LOL. And then I began to dread this particular day every year, wishing for it to be over with before it even began!

Not this year though! 🙂

With all the moving and classes and experiences I’ve had this year and last, I can say I feel I’ve finally come into my own! I’m accepting myself just as I am, and just as I’m not. (I’ve heard some rumors that this is what your 40’s is about, lol, and I’ve hit the mark early! Hehe!) What this means really, is I LOVE myself, just as I am, and just as I am not. I am my own Valentine, whether I have one or not! And Valentine’s Day this year doesn’t mean a thing to me! It’s just another day to celebrate and love myself, as I’m able to do every day!

Now that I’m able to see this about myself, I can see why so many people dislike this day. There’s so much PRESSURE! Oy vey! For women who do not have a Valentine, some interpret that as though they are not good enough, hence the tribal gathering of women celebrating themselves in spite of not having Valentines. Then there are women who buy themselves chocolates and send themselves flowers to say, “To heck with you Valentine’s Day! I can be my OWN Valentine!” And there are men who loathe this day because if you are in a relationship, you ought to be on top of your game on this day or your partner will think you don’t love him/her. What’s worse is that everybody has their ‘ideal Valentine’s Day’ scenario and if their partner fails just a wee bit, the whole day can go to pieces, and maybe even the relationship. A man can show his partner that he loves and can love his partner every day, but sadly we’ve placed so much importance on Valentine’s Day and what it means, based on commercials and movies, that you’re kinda screwed either way! (No pun intended.)

So, what I hope you get from reading this is that you are lovable, you are enough, you are desirable, and you are LOVED whether it’s February 14th or June 24th. One day out of the year should not determine your worth. And please do not let the media make you believe otherwise. Go inside, listen to yourself, trust yourself.

And if you have a Valentine and you’ve always had a Valentine, what I want to know is, do you show yourself and your partner that amount of love everyday, or just that one day of the year?

You can create whatever you want for yourself! Your cup of love can runneth over, if you want it to! 🙂

Dream of loving YOURSELF every day, dream of having love in your life every day, dream that love surrounds you all the time and so it shall be! 🙂

‘Til next time, thanks for reading & Happy Dreaming! 🙂