I’m connected! :)

Aloha! 🙂

Since my last post, I wanted to mention that 1) All is well and 2) I took another Mediumship class with Doreen Virtue! Doreen Virtue is the mother of Charles Virtue, the wonderful teacher of my Angel Practitioner class I took in Laguna Beach prior to moving to Maui. She is what I consider to be the ‘Mother Ship’ in working with our heavenly angels and the ‘other side.’ She has written many books, angel oracle card decks and has held many classes all over the world.  She is an author with the infamous publisher Hay House, founded by Louise Hay (who I found out incidentally has the same Birthday as me! Cool!!)

Ok, ok, a lot of mentions in there, I know.  Just giving you some background to my story.  🙂

Anyways, before I moved to Maui, I signed up to take Doreen’s class, as she was on the Big Island.  It made sense to go since I was going to be so close! Even after I took Tina Marie Daly’s class, I still wanted to go and become re-certified.  After all, this was another GREAT opportunity to fine-tune my craft and meet more lovely lightworkers! 🙂 And so I went, and met Doreen Virtue and many other wonderful people! The best part of my experience is that I continued to re-affirm I have special gifts.

Sometimes as we go along on our paths and discover why we’re here and/or what we’re meant to do here, we wonder if we have what it ‘really’ takes.  I’m here to let you know, WE DO! There are no accidents in this world, no coincidences, and you are exactly where you are supposed to be in this moment.  Even when you have moments of self-doubt, push past that fear and TRUST as you keep on moving. 🙂

So, since I have returned to Maui I’ve taken the necessary steps to start my Mediumship & Angel Practitioner business. The dream of owning my own business is finally coming true! I got a Business License, I did a few free readings in exchange for feedback, I’ve set up an office, my business cards are on their way, I’ll be creating a website momentarily and I’ve been spreading the word! 🙂

Here’s a great story…

The other day I went into a store to buy some crystals and other goodies for my office environment and usually there is someone there to offer readings.  That day the person called in sick and while I was in the store, a lovely young lady came in and asked for a reading.  I had just told the storekeeper that I was a Medium and so without hesitation, she told the young lady that I could do the reading for her! And so I did, on the spot! It was perfect! Perfect and divinely timed! The reading was great! I could tell I was hitting the mark with the client as she responded, “that makes sense” and I could see emotion in her eyes.  Oh and did I mention it was her FIRST reading? What a gift that I was able to give to her! She paid me, took my number and said she’s gonna tell all her friends about me! WooHoo! 🙂

When I was finished with the reading I felt as if my angels were celebrating. I was on Cloud 9, 10, and 11! Ha ha! 🙂

Anyways, what I wanted to say is that as I’ve continued on my path, I’ve become more and more connected, inside.  Intuitively, I am stronger than I’ve ever been. Even though I consider myself professionally as a Medium & Angel Practitioner, I can also affirm I am an Intuitive. My gifts are real! 🙂

So, in closing, I just wanted to say that when you find your true calling, you will know it and it will flow like water. It may not be easy, but just follow the steps and you will be greatly rewarded.

“Be like water making its way through cracks. Do not be assertive, but adjust to the object, and you shall find a way around or through it. If nothing within you stays rigid, outward things will disclose themselves.

Empty your mind, be formless. Shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend.” ~ Bruce Lee

‘Til next time, thanks for reading and Happy Dreaming! 🙂

Finally Found A Home! (And it’s dreamy!) ;)

Aloha! 🙂

So, you’ve been patiently waiting to hear what’s been going on, and now I can share!

After moving 14 times since arriving on Maui, I have FINALLY found a place to call home! I moved for my 15th time yesterday into a FABULOUS and BEAUTIFUL home.  Granted the lease is for 6 months, I’m just happy to not have to pack up again in 2 days!

Some of it is a bit surreal.  First of all, I live on Maui.  Secondly, I’ve been living out of a suitcase for nearly 2 months moving on average every 3 days. Thirdly, this place was the first one I looked at (in person) and knew instantly it was my home. I filled out the application immediately, and the very next day I signed a lease, got the keys and voila!!

The best part is that it’s everything I’ve dreamed of in wanting a home! Direct ocean views, gorgeous sunsets every night, STAIRS (I can get exercise without leaving home!), it’s beautifully furnished, beautiful community, living on an island, need I say more? 🙂

Also, during my moving around the island phase, I took a brief trip to the mainland to take a Mediumship course.  Yes, this is part of my life path! I’ve been really eager to start learning how to communicate with spirits (I had this gift as a child) and all the teachers I had met here had told me once I get settled to call them.  Well, I didn’t want to wait to learn, so I hopped a plane and headed back to Laguna Beach, the place where all my dreams began! 🙂

I took a Mediumship Certification course with Tina Marie Daly and it was just what I needed! I learned so much and became confident in my ability to give readings! Actually, it just confirmed that I do have this gift (still) and it’s real!! So exciting! 🙂 Also, I met a bunch of really amazing and cool women! So, I got 2 for the price of 1! 😉

So, now I’m a Certified Medium! (The Certifications just keep growing and growing!) Maybe next I’ll learn Reiki! 🙂

In any case, that’s my update! 🙂 I’m very happy with how things are going.  It’s not always easy, but the reward is magnificent. 🙂

Life Is Good.

‘Til next time, thanks for reading and Happy Dreaming! 🙂

New Year, New Life…

Ok, so I missed November. I apologize for that. I did have a nice Thanksgiving. Did you? 🙂

Also, Merry Belated Christmas, Happy Belated Chanukah and Happy Kwanzaa! 😉
So much has happened since I last wrote that I just didn’t know when to start the next post, but here it goes, finally!
Remember the post about my Dream city, Dream man and Dream job? Well, I’ve found my dream city!
Completely unbeknownst to me, it’s a place I’ve already lived!
After returning from Phoenix and LA on a recent trip, I realized though both cities were nice, neither one had ‘that’ feeling, the kind that says, “this is your home.”
And so I returned to the thought of, “well, the answer will soon reveal itself.”
The next day my girlfriend called me and I explained to her what happened and she said to me, “Lisa, every where you go, you compare to Miami, so why don’t you just move back?”
In that moment, I had the “duh light bulb” go on, and my choice was made!
It was so true! I had lived in Miami and South Beach for 4.5 years prior to moving back to NYC and I was looking for a city that was warm like Miami, on the water, had beautiful sunsets and a place that I already knew amazing people. Miami was staring me in the face the whole time, but I just thought since I had already “been there, done that” that it had to be somewhere new!
Well, this past year has been life altering, so I am actually moving back with a new mind and new perspective, so it’s perfectly fitting! 🙂
So, what about the Dream man? Ok, so the guy from my past didn’t work out. Though he is dreamy (oh so handsome), our paths and schedules were misaligned and sadly I had to complete that. However, he is a wonderful man and I will always be grateful he came back into my life.
I have a feeling though, a gut feeling that once I get to Miami and get settled, my dream man will show up! I am ready! 🙂
And about my dream job…
I am currently working on a business plan to take it to the next level. I am STILL excited about developing this idea and bringing it to life! Stay tuned!
So, with the New Year upon us, I am entering into 2010 with my dreams alive, and ready to welcome it all with open arms!
What are you excited for in the New Year?
Wishing you a blessed, safe and Happy NEW Year!
‘Til next time, thanks for reading and Happy Dreaming! 🙂

Princess for a day!

Hi guys! 🙂

I just got back from a girls trip to Disney World!!! What fun!!!
Me and 3 girlfriends made an “adult” trip to visit with Mickey, Minnie, Goofy, Donald, Pluto and all the princesses! It was so cool!!! 🙂
Well, one of my long-standing dreams was to have breakfast with the Disney characters! Mind you, I have been to Disney twice before, but never had this dream come true!
I told one of my girlfriends who was planning the trip about my dream and she made it happen!!! Gina, if you’re reading this, you are the BEST! I know I’ve thanked you many times before, but seriously, you went above and beyond and it was super duper, amazing and wonderful what you made happen!
So, to fill you guys in, Gina not only made reservations for us to have breakfast in the CASTLE with the PRINCESSES, but also made dinner reservations at Chef Mickey’s so we could dine with Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Pluto and Goofy! All my Disney dreams complete!!
Imagine this…
It’s a sunny and warm day and at 10a four beautiful and amazing women are walking towards the Disney castle. They are excited, eager, giddy and can’t imagine what is going to happen next. We get to the restaurant and get our Table pass, a laminated card with Cinderella and Prince Charming on it and it has the number 1 written on top. We are told we get a picture with Cinderella as part of our breakfast! So, we get on line with all the other kiddies and wait our turn to pose with Cinderella! Wow! How cool! She looks so pretty in her blue dress.
After all the other kiddies are done with their pictures, we whip out our cameras and take individual pictures with the Princess, lol! This was just too good to miss out! Haha!
Well, it gets better! We are led upstairs to the dining room and are seated at our table, and Snow White is already making her rounds! We got there just in time!!!
But first, the table. At each place setting there was a Wishing Star. I thought it was for the waiter, like when you’re at the Churrascaria, and you either say more food or less with a card on the table. LOL! I didn’t realize the Wishing Star was for me to keep! There was also a wand, Cinderella’s Royal Table Wand to use with the Wishing Star! How perfect! My wish already came true!!! 🙂
So, one by one the princesses come out to greet us…Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Jasmine and Belle! We took pictures with each one! It was so cool! The dining room was pretty too! You definitely knew you were in a castle! The windows were all stained glass, and we still had a beautiful view of The Magic Kindom.
Also, the food was YUMMY! There were fruit cups, assorted pastries, and a full serving of eggs, bacon, sausage, au gratin potatoes, and this yummy fried dough blueberry thing! LOL! Orange juice and coffee was served too. And, if we wanted seconds, thirds, whatever, we got it! The breakfast was definitely magical and perfect!!! So many pictures, fun memories with my friends and another dream fulfilled!!!
It just goes to show, you are never too old to have your childhood dreams come true!!! 🙂
‘Til next time, thanks for reading and Happy Dreaming! 🙂

Standing in my dreams…

Hi my people!

Been M.I.A. for a minute…I know.
I’ve been trying to decide what dream to share next, but really, it’s that I have really HUGE dreams and have been afraid to say what they are, out loud! Like, am I ready to share with the world?
Well, this past weekend I was in a course called Wisdom Unlimited. It’s a course offered through Landmark Education-an organization dedicated to transforming your perception of your past and giving you access to a new future. (To find out more, go to www.landmarkeducation.com).
Wisdom Unlimited is a course that meets over 10 months and there are 5 weekends. It is a course that is designed to re-presence your dreams and passions in life and have you fulfill on them, while getting to know your community and having fun!
This past weekend was our 3rd weekend, and we talked a lot about our dreams. Like what are some dreams you’ve had and have forgotten about? And if all was well, like there was nothing for you to do but live your dreams, what would you be doing with your life?
So, what are my dreams?
Well, to start, by the completion of the course, which is in the end of January, I want to be living in my dream city, with my dream job and be living with my dream man.
Ok, I’ll share what all that looks like to me.
Living in my dream city…
I grew up in Long Island, graduated from Syracuse University, lived in NYC for a few years, moved to Miami for almost 5 years and have been back in NYC for about 3 years.
I can positively say that the warm weather of Miami agreed with me. 🙂 I love warm weather. Hot and humid doesn’t bother me. My preferred climate is 80’s and sunny, near a beach.
You’re probably wondering, why did she move back to NYC from Miami, right? Well, I missed my family!
However, I am not sure I’d want to move back to Miami, though it is the closest to my family and friends versus moving to California. (Yes, California is a contender right now.) I’m in inquiry of it all right now. A friend of mine also asked me to wait until the course is over before I make a decision. So, I’m honoring her request. I also believe where I live depends on my other two dreams, the dream job and dream man.
So, let’s take a look at that…
The dream job…
I want to create a TV network that is available worldwide, in as many languages as possible, where all the programming is empowering and inspirational. It’s the place to go whenever you need a “pick me up” and it’s available to you 24/7. It’s a dream bigger than me, but I’m clear that I want to make a difference in the world in a huge way and this speaks to me!
Currently I am creating a website as a platform for this, and I’m looking for people who have inspiring stories they want to share, writers who are interested in writing about the good news in the world, guest bloggers and anyone who would like to be a part of this project!
This is something I am creating in NYC at the moment, and it could take me anywhere in the world, as it’s in the world that I want to be a contribution!
And now, the man of my dreams.
Until recently I was closed off in the world of love. I had been that way for 8 years. That’s a long time to be without love.
Someone from my past recently re-surfaced unexpectedly, and he has opened up my eyes to what’s possible, and I’ve just been afraid to let go! He has disintegrated all that I thought my dream man should look like, and thus has allowed me to be free and be present! For the first time in 8 years, my guard is down. HUGE DEAL!
Now that I’m open and can see clearly what I want, what I really, truly want is to be married to my best friend, my partner in crime, a man who inspires me, supports me, loves me, appreciates me, a man who I am attracted to inside and out, is up to great things, and loves life and people! My promise is to be and give all that in return and then some! Could it be the man from my past? Possibly! He is amazing! And, even if it’s not him, I know there are great men out there, so I’m not worried one bit! 🙂
Dare I dream to say what I really want and make it happen? Yes!
I’ve been single for so long that I’ve been slightly resigned to even wanting to have a family! Like, how could I possibly think about having a family when I’ve been shut down to being in love? But, deep down in my inner core of being a woman, I would love to be a mom, someone who contributes to another life and have her life be contributed to as well, and I’m sure in ways I can’t even imagine.
So, there you have it folks! Some of my dreams, in a nutshell. I have a lot to think about, and I am excited and glad I shared it with y’all! As I continue this blog, I will share what’s opening up for me around these dreams and will still be sharing about other dreams too! I’ll be checking in and updating. 🙂
By the way, I welcome guest bloggers on here, so if you have something you’d like to share, let me know and we can make that happen!
So, ’til next time, thanks for reading, and happy dreaming! 🙂