Unplugging, Travel & Life

Unplugging, Travel & Life

Unplugging, Travel & Life

How many of you are addicted to Social Media? Is it difficult to keep your phone off? When was the last time you took a picture without instantly wanting to upload it to a Social Network?

Well, what if for a few days around the holidays, you did something a little different? Like ‘unplug’, detach, leave the phone at home?

As a business owner, it can be tempting to want to constantly keep everyone up to date, to make sure I’m not missing anything in the business world.

At the end of the day, all we have is that day. And often times we spend it online, instead of having face-to-face engaging conversations. And sometimes, we’ll be out with our friends, and still focusing on our phones, rather than our friends, completely missing the point why we got together in the first place!

And as I have mentioned about my new ‘Living More, Working Less’ mantra, this fits in nicely.

Do you think you can unplug?
Give yourself a break! For those of us who remember what it was like before the internet, I’m sure we could do it! 😉

One of the ways I love to unplug is by traveling. Even though many airlines have Wi-Fi in the sky, I love the opportunity to shut everything down, and read a book! Get out of my home and live! Visit countries I’ve never been to before and have an adventure in the unknown!

According to some of the tips in “Allow Yourself to ‘Unplug’ This Holiday Season“, I actually had the battery in my watch replaced so I could tell time without my phone. I also bring a regular camera that does not have internet/sharing capabilities. So, that’s how I begin to unplug. Further, smartphones become very costly to use overseas, so I turn data off and only use it in areas with Wi-Fi.

So anyone up for unplugging? Maybe you’ll decide you’d like to start living more…

Just a thought…

‘Til next time, thanks for reading and Happy Dreaming! 🙂

LEI LESSON: Go With The Flow

LEI LESSON: Go With The Flow!
(And honor your body!)

My body said REST, I said I needed yoga.
Because I was the ONLY one who showed up, the class was canceled.
I took this picture on my way home.
As I sat outside, I said, “Ok Universe, you got me.”
Like the clouds moving across the sky, the trees blowing in the wind, and the Taro growing in the field, just go with the flow.

Go With The Flow

Dance Break!

Who needs a Dance Break? Get up from your desk, the couch, your bed (if you’re not asleep already) and DANCE! This 2013 Pop Song Mashup is great! You might find yourself singing along, and getting down in your jammies! Kudos to Daniel Kim and his “Pop Danthology!”

#Stop #Breathe #Be

Stop. Breathe. Be.

(This applies to any time of year, and any day!)

Generally speaking, Thanksgiving is a time for family, friends, lots of food, football, parades, and a long weekend off from work. Over the years, that time off has become about a shopping frenzy for the holidays. 
Spend, spend, spend, get up EARLY, or go to bed early afternoon, and rest later. And now you have the “benefit” of never leaving your home so you can spend your day off online, spending as much as possible.

Here’s a thought, Stop. Breathe. Be. 

Just because there are sales, it doesn’t mean you have to shop. If you have Friday off from work, take the day off. Chill out, sleep in, do the dishes later. 

If you do decide to shop, have a plan, and when you’re done shopping for others, make sure you get something for yourself.

I have a rule when I shop, “Love It or Leave It.”
If I’m on the fence, it stays in the store. This will help you get through your list. (And whenever you shop.) 

Stop, Breathe, Be is for everyone, wherever you are in the world, whether you are celebrating Thanksgiving, Chanukah, any other holiday OR coming upon time off from work. 

You deserve to live a life that rewards you. You deserve to live a life that you are excited to wake up to. You deserve to live a life that flows with your breath.

#Stop #Breathe #Be

Dear World Wide Web

Dear World Wide Web

Dear World Wide Web,

When I first heard about you, I was in college. I remember being in the school library, ready to begin a research paper. I had heard that I could find out more information about my topic by logging into one of the computers and typing “www” and the title of a page which I believe was supposed to lead me to the information I needed. I was so nervous and scared. What if I walked up to the computer and did it wrong?  You, World Wide Web, at that time, seemed like this “other world” that only a few knew of and existed in. What really existed on the other side? Would it really be easier for me to search for the information I needed rather than browse the 30,000+ books on 4 different floors? I was daunted by the task at hand, to learn something new. A new way of being. A new way of researching. What really was on the ‘other side?’ Would I get lost on the other side? Would it be easy for me to find my way home? Who would I meet there? What would I learn?

That day I didn’t complete my task at hand. I sat on the computer stool, I read the instructions, I even asked for help, and I felt overwhelmed by all the new things I needed to do to connect with you.

Now, about 15 years later, I spend most of my time with you, on the other side. If I’m not sleeping or driving, you can usually count on me visiting with you at some point during my day. I’ve even had days when I couldn’t pull myself away from you! Usually when I wake up, you’re the first place I visit, and when I go to sleep, I check in just to make sure I didn’t miss anything before I drift off into the other, other world.

Well, World Wide Web, you’re not going to be very happy with what I’m about to share.

On November 21st, I had the most amazing day! I spent the majority of the day living on the side from which I was born! The side where I’m connected with nature! (You probably won’t understand what I’m about to share, the experience, so I’ll understand if you become idle after a while and go to sleep.)
My day started with a great and sweaty Yoga session and then I proceeded to enjoy a yummy farm-to-table breakfast outside. After, I had a beautiful walk amongst the trees, I listened to the birds, and I sat by a stream, allowing my feet to connect with the earth. I connected with the beautiful sun, the gentle breeze and all the beautiful energy around me. After a deep inhalation, I was reminded that this exists for me all the time! That I do not have to wait to connect with nature! After my walk, I still wasn’t ready to visit with you yet, so I decided to stop by a private airport nearby where helicopter tours are offered. Lucky me, they had one seat available for an afternoon tour! I quickly jumped at the opportunity and purchased the best seat for viewing all of the beauty – front row, next to the door.

Well, the tour was as breath-giving, as one could possibly imagine. I was moved to tears by the beauty of it all. I continuously thanked God, my Angels, Kaua’i, Hawai’i for allowing me to be part of something so beautiful. I was grateful that I could call Kaua’i home. I was grateful that I was able to see exactly how beautiful nature can be and is. And all of this beauty exists, all the time, and I can see it anytime I want, just by going outside. Just by choosing not to visit with you.

That day, I LIVED. It was an epiphany for me! That I’ve been teaching folks to live, rather than exist, to do what they love. And for the last few years, I’ve been spending most of my time existing with you, World Wide Web, and missing out on the things I love to do. Like traveling, reading books, playing in nature, taking new classes, connecting with and meeting new people by looking them in the eye, shaking their hands,  hugging them and sharing meals with them.

When I came home I thought to myself, “Who can I share this amazing day with? Who will be happy for me, authentically?” The person who came to mind was not on the other side with you. She was someone who appreciates the voice-to-voice connection. And she also doesn’t spend much time with you anymore. In fact, she told me that she just spent 4 days with her family and didn’t pick up her phone once to connect with you. She said she wanted to be fully present in the moment and enjoy herself, and she did just that. And I could completely relate.

Before I went to bed that day, I caved, and I visited with you. I shared with people on your side about my amazing day. And even though a few people “liked” what I shared, it didn’t compare to calling my friend, and sharing the experience with her.

So, as I write this, I wanted to let you know that I will be spending less time visiting with you. I still love being able to share my thoughts with you, as I love to write, I will just be doing so less frequently, and the locations from where I share may change too. As for my businesses that need to stay connected with you, I have asked people who understand my vision to help me. This way I can truly “practice what I preach”, and not just be the teacher. 😉 After all, I was given this gift of life, and what’s the point of receiving this amazing gift, if I’m not going to use it fully and LIVE?

To the people who still love connecting with me through you, they can visit LisaEve.com, and this blog will stay up and running, though they might see some changes to it over time. I am a creative person, and that too, has been missing from my life, like arts and crafts! Remember that? Oh no, I don’t think you know what I’m talking about. Well, like the arts and crafts I used to make, my posts might change to include more pictures, maybe even some music, or a video of me talking with you! There is no limit to how fully I can live, so this will be an adventure!

Thank you for being so understanding World Wide Web. We’ve enjoyed a wonderful partnership over the years and I’m truly grateful for all the amazing people I’ve been able to connect with and things I’ve been able to learn, and things I’ve learned about myself!

I’ll see you again soon, I promise! (Though probably later rather than sooner!)

With love and gratitude,

Lisa Eve