My Love Is Your Love

My Love Is Your Love

My Love Is Your Love

My love IS your love. We all come from the same place. We all were born with love in our hearts, in our souls, and it is in every part of our bodies. What matters is whether or not you allow yourself to experience the love in all parts of your body.

How often to do look in the mirror and tell yourself you love yourself? How often do you acknowledge the hair on your head or the smoothness of your scalp? When was the last time you kissed yourself and loved yourself just as you are? Remember when you were little and you got a boo-boo and someone kissed it to make it all better? It felt better after, didn’t it? And if you never had someone do that for you, it’s okay because you can do it for yourself!

Start right now, and look at your hands. What are you thankful for? Are you thankful for all 10 fingers? If you have 10 fingers, kiss them all now and say thank you for being amazing! Especially since they help you type, write, play, get ready in the morning, eat, etc. Continue to do this for all your body parts. I know this could get a little R rated, depending on how you look at it, so just do what feels right for you. 😉 And if you do not have 10 fingers, if you do not have hands, thank whichever body parts you do have and acknowledge them! We are all here for specific reasons, and you, your spirit in your body, however that body looks, is needed here. So, thank yourself for being here, love yourself for exactly who you are and know that you are beautiful in every way! 🙂

I started this blog post because yesterday while I was sitting at the pool in a new bikini that I just LOVE, I was admiring my body, and how it glistened in the sunshine. And then in my head I heard “My love is your love, and your love is my love, it would take an eternity to break us…clap your hands y’all it’s alright” and it just played over and over. I even heard, “My joy is your joy and your joy is my joy…”

It took me a minute to recognize it was Whitney’s song I was hearing and so I just connected in. Whenever I hear music in my head, there’s always a message and I pay attention. Artists are often channeling, whether it’s personal or just an idea, it all comes from somewhere. And music is healing. So, I connected in and asked Whitney to come through and she said, “Thank you for helping me to live on, to still be heard.” I knew I was meant to share her message with you today. As a side note, did you know that our deceased loved ones could still be carrying some regret and insecurity on the other side? Even though they could be in a blissful state and place, if they struggled on Earth with love for themselves, it can come up from time to time depending on where they are in their evolution. So, she asked me to help her music live on, that she is not forgotten. I was like, “Whitney dear, that could never happen.” 😉

So, I was meant to share this specific song with you because it’s true.

You can choose whomever you want to be represented as “your love”, though if you consciously connect within, you know that we are all reflections of one another. And we always have angels watching over us, so “your love” can be those you connect with on a spiritual level; it can be your angels, it can be God, it can be your spiritual teachers, it can be your lovers, it can be your sisters, your brothers, your friends, it can be your family, whoever your family is for you. And you could be talking to yourself too! Your higher self, who is always with you, wherever you go, always guiding you.

So, I’d like to leave you with Whitney Houston’s song and video, “My Love Is Your Love” and ask you to think about who your love is, who are you singing this song to and just let your love pour out!

‘Til next time, thanks for reading & Keep On Loving!!! 🙂

Live A Life You Love!

Be Amazing!

To live a life you love, you need to be Courageous, Fearless, Empowered & Strong.
It takes Courage to demand you deserve the best!
It takes being Fearless to continue to leap into the unknown!
You need to reclaim your Power when you feel you’ve been knocked around!
And you need to be Strong because without your strength you cannot be courageous, fearless & empowered!

Choose right now that you deserve to live a life you love
and know that you already have all these qualities inside of you to accomplish your dreams!


‘Til next time, thanks for reading & Keep On Being Awesome! 🙂


Bob Proctor’s The Matrixx

Bob Proctor’s The Matrixx

This was written May 2014
About a week ago I returned from Toronto, Canada, where The Matrixx with Bob Proctor was held for 6 days. And I had an excellent experience!

Before I get into that excellent experience, I’d like to share with you how I got there.

If you’ve been reading my posts, you know I’ve achieved many of my dreams. You know that I pursue life with enthusiasm and I love change. Well, life has been great, and about 2 months ago I felt like I hit a brick wall. And any entrepreneur knows that when you hit a brick wall, it’s not the end of the world. You just find a way to break through it! So I began searching for help. My businesses needed help. I was at the end of my rope, and I didn’t know what else to do. I needed financial guidance, I needed mentorship, and I really wanted more from my life and didn’t know how to achieve it.

I knew I needed to step up my game. I wanted a mentor who was extremely successful, widely known and had a life I admired. I chose Bob Proctor because he was the one with whom I resonated most from The Secret. I even did a search of all the other thought leaders and teachers from The Secret and reviewed all of their coaching programs. But I came back to Bob’s site, and I filled out a form online to receive info about coaching. That was a Saturday. On Monday morning, I woke up and prayed and asked my Angels and God for help, to guide me to the appropriate mentor, to help me find a way to get to the ‘next level’ for myself and my businesses. And then my phone rang. I didn’t recognize the number, but I got excited and heard, “answer it!” So I did, and it was a Coaching Facilitator from Bob Proctor’s company. Before long, I was advised The Matrixx would be my best option and I eventually registered. It took me 2 weeks to say OK. This was because there weren’t too many reviews online, so I was nervous, and very hesitant. And often times when we are on the brink of something huge in our lives, we freak out. Fear sets in and the ego talks a bunch of crap in your ear. But I knew this was the program for me. Funny thing is, I was “accidentally” charged the whole cost of the program ($15K) up front. And I wasn’t mad at all. I told the gentleman to keep me paid in full. I was certain my higher self had a role in this. If I had chosen to pay in increments, I would have had a ‘back door’ to exit at any time, and I didn’t want that.

After I registered, I didn’t tell many people I was going to this program. I didn’t want to be judged, and the price alone would cause many people to question my sanity, so I just kept that to myself.

Now you may have just choked on reading that the cost of the program was $15K. You may even still be coughing. I’ll wait while you get a glass of water to clear your throat. …


Fifteen thousand dollars was by far the most I’ve ever spent on a coaching/business/personal growth workshop. The reason I said YES wasn’t only because I needed help. It was also because I wanted to meet people who were living abundantly. Men & women who have achieved a certain level of success. And I knew that whoever could attend this program must be living abundantly and have the desire to continue to live abundantly. Lucky me, my thoughts paid off because I was amongst several multi-millionaires wanting to achieve more!

I went to The Matrixx with an open mind. I felt what I needed was an investor/partner and a mentor for The Happy Channel. What I learned was that I didn’t need an investor at all, I just needed to make some adjustments. I was also blocked around receiving financial abundance and I learned this through one of Bob’s teachings on Paradigms. Once I learned what my Paradigm was, my entire perspective changed around money and receiving it.

Not only did my perspective change, I met awesome people. I have new friends from all over the world and we support one another in achieving our highest potential and living the life of our dreams! Experts in several fields were also brought in to further assist with plans, if additional guidance was needed. Meeting Bob and spending time learning directly from him, was priceless. And meeting some of his family, also priceless.

Such a wonderful and generous human being! This picture was taken in Bob's home office!

Such a wonderful and generous human being! This picture was taken in Bob’s home office!

If you’re considering checking out The Matrixx, I highly recommend it. It was money well spent. There are gifts galore waiting to be received by you, and only you can open them. You won’t know what they are, until you leap, and leap further than you have in the past. That’s what change and going outside your comfort zone is all about.

I am grateful that I chose to attend The Matrixx. And I know more than ever that I AM going to achieve my dreams, ALL OF THEM! 😀

If you have any questions, please message me!

‘Til next time, thanks for reading and Keep On Dreaming! 🙂


Facebook Shutdown: Backfired.

Facebook Shutdown: Backfired.

Not too long ago, I decided to unfriend 300+ people on my personal Facebook page. I did this because Facebook was taking up too much of my time. I have 3 pages, 2 Public and one Personal. In order to keep my public pages, I had to keep a personal one. And, rather than create an alias (which I did do, but it felt inauthentic), I kept my page and a few people who I knew I could not unfriend.

As I unfriended each person, I said a prayer and sent gratitude and love their way. It was time-consuming, but I felt each and every person in my life deserved to be acknowledged.

Since I’ve done this, I’ve wondered often if I had made a mistake. When I logged onto FB to check my pages, I would check my newsfeed as well, and I often missed seeing what some people were up to. I missed having the connection and being a part of their lives. But one of the reasons I also unfriended many people was because I felt the interest only went one way. That most connections/friendships were one-sided and inauthentic and that never felt good for me. And so I contemplated. How could I stay in touch with people I loved, admired and enjoyed while receiving the same in return? Would it be worth it for me to re-add friends? What if I re-added friends and people we knew in common saw this? Would they feel rejected, left out, hurt by my re-selection process? How could I stay authentic to who I am and still be kind, considerate and respectful of others’ feelings?

I’ve been thinking about this for quite some time and I’ve concluded to just be me. If I’m missing a connection with someone, I can choose how to stay in communication and if I re-friend them, it is their choice whether or not to add me back. From there, we’ll just see how things go.

One thing I must do is acknowledge Facebook. While it is a time-sucker and can be a feeding ground for insecurity, it is also a great way to stay connected to our friends and family all over the world. At the same time, I still believe it is important to stay connected via real-time, either by meeting up for lunch, having a phone/Skype call and/or taking a vacation together. We’re here to be together, not separate, and if Facebook helps you to stay in touch with those you love, then carry on!

‘Til next time, thanks for reading and keep on BEING YOU!

Mantra for the Day

Mantra for the Day

I went to a yoga class this morning and with every inhale and exhale our breath was guided by Peace, Joy, Love & Compassion. I was at such ease when I left that I felt to share my experience with you.

Mantra for the Day:
I am Peace
I am Joy
I am Love
I am Compassion

Breathe in…

Breathe out…

Repeat as needed.

‘Til next time, thanks for reading & Keep on Breathing! 🙂