There is NO Competition

There is NO Competition

There is NO Competition

There is no competition. I say this over and over when companies interview me to determine if they can provide me with services for my websites. They want to know; who is my competition? And I always say the same, ‘I do not feel I have any.’ This is not an egotistical remark, it is quite the opposite!

Ya’ see, the purpose of life is to make a difference in the world somehow. To be of service, to help our fellow brothers and sisters to achieve something of greater value than when we arrived here. We all have the skills, and we learn as we go on how to implement these skills and live a life we love. The tricky part is that we are still living in a time of great fear. Fear dominates our lives; prohibiting us to move forward towards our dreams with total support and total faith in its assured outcome. What I mean by total support is that while you may have one or two people eager to help, the majority of people will sit back and hide, either in fear of what others will think, or fear of there not being enough money, time, resources or space for everything to coexist smoothly. Fear is a lie. There is an abundance of everything and great teachers and masters know this.

I recently wrote a Newsletter about this Worldly Abundance. Here’s an excerpt, “Just as there is an abundance of Italian restaurants, different models of cars, and an incredible number of white t-shirts, there is an abundance of money to experience it all! Think I’m joking? Take a look at the Fun and Happy Facts! >>>>>

  • All US$ coins and bills in circulation today are worth US$1.2 Trillion! (That’s just USD!) And did you know the World population currently is approximately 7.2 billion? [Ref.]
  • If a person had 10 billion $1 notes and spent one every second of the day, it would take 317 years to spend it all. [Ref.]
  • Over 170 different currencies are used around the world today. [Ref. Hall, Alvin D. 2008. Show Me the Money: How to Make Cents of Economics. New York, NY: DK Publishing]”

So, then why do we compete with one another? It is the fear of not being good enough to make a difference. That your skills, products, invention, ideas, etc., will be overlooked, not valued, unfulfilled and therefore your EGO strikes a chord, a nerve for you to ‘be better’ than somebody else and their ideas, skills, products, ideas, etc. The truth is we ALL have something beautiful we bring to the table. While we may have similar ideas, our imprint is unique. Each individual contributes uniquely. Your energy, and your soul has its own blueprint. So, there is no need to compete. We all like different things, and it is because we are unique, that we CAN create a million different t-shirt lines, have over 75 brands of cars, and have an abundance of Italian restaurants outside of Italy!

If you truly want to make a difference in this world, you will find like-minded people to collaborate with, rather than tear down. We can help each other to experience life at its most magnificent. WE can help each other to enJOY our time here. The goal is to help our world evolve. And it starts with you and your mindset. Look around and you will see abundance everywhere. There is no competition.




Something’s been on my mind for a while.

Let’s talk about Trades.

What is a Trade?

A Trade is an exchange of services without compensation.

When you provide a service that people like and enjoy, someone might approach you one day and ask if you would like to do a Trade. If they provide a service that you feel you would like to experience without exchanging money, you might consider this.

Some questions to ask yourself when someone approaches you for a Trade:

1. Do you REALLY want the other person’s service?

2. Do you need it?

3. Would you pay them for their service?

If you answered NO to any of the questions above, reconsider if it’s worth your time to provide your service for free.

Here’s how I feel about Trades: I do not like them.

For my services, I charge what I feel my time and experience is worth. I also know that when I go into session, it is my responsibility to be fully present and offer the best possible reading/healing that I can. I do this for all my clients, past and prospective. I care about what I do and I love being of service.

I can only hope that when I pay someone else for their services that I am receiving the same type of dedication and passion. And I get to decide whether or not to continue to pay a person for their service.

When it comes to a Trade, the person usually asking for the trade does not want to pay you for your service. So, that begs the question, WHY?

Do they not value your time? Do they not value your experience? Do they not value your service? And if they do not value your time, your experience, and your service, do you think they value their own?

So, consider this when agreeing to do a Trade with someone. If they do not value what you feel your services are worth, will they give you a fair trade? What exactly will you be receiving?

Also, if you have paid for someone’s service and he or she has never paid for yours, and asks for a trade, I would walk away. It’s like they want a freebie and that is already not an even exchange. And there’s no integrity in that.

Don’t underestimate how much your time, experience and service is worth! Don’t let others disempower you! You are gifted and deserve to be compensated what you feel works for you and your business!

‘Nuff said.

Thanks for reading and talk soon! 🙂

Money Really IS Abundant!

For a long time I’ve been struggling with understanding how money can be abundant. I keep hearing that it is just a form of energy, an exchange of energy. When we provide services or would like to enjoy the services or goods of another we compensate and say “thank you” by using currency. Sometimes we use other methods to thank someone, but the majority of the time, it is using money.

We’ve spent a long time working, saving, spending and then we freak out when we don’t have enough to buy whatever it is we want and need. We also freak out in advance, before we even run out of money because we fear one day we will be broke. It’s a vicious cycle that repeats itself over and over and we “buy” into it and that is how it’s meant to be. We also get mad at those who seem to not have money problems and can do whatever they want when they want. Well, there is a reason for that. Those who have successfully learned how to generate wealth and keep it, know one thing: there is an abundance.

There are many books out there that can help you understand this fact. I’ve been told to read many of them so I can rid my own fear of one day “running out of money.” None of them really stuck, and I had a hard time getting past the first few chapters.
Instead, I came up with the idea to use the word “flowers” to describe money because it’s a lighter, more positive word and when I’d go to pay for something, I felt better paying with flowers. That worked for a while, but what if I ran out of flowers? Haha, and the fear set in again.
And then about a week ago I had a thought that changed my life and now I am able to see the BIGGER picture.
So, I’ve decided to share my big uncovering with you and I hope it will help you to live abundantly as well.

How do we have money in the first place? It is printed somewhere. Someone makes the money and has put a value on it. How is it possible for our country to have debt? Who sets the limit for how much money gets printed in a year? Who says, “okay, we’ve gone over our printing quota, we must stop now.”???
Who decides that basketball players get paid more than teachers? Teachers help us to become the best we can be! They deserve to be compensated abundantly as well! Why is it that in the US we have to pay for Healthcare when many other countries have it for free? Aren’t our lives worth saving?

For a very long time, we have been brainwashed by media, by society, and by the government to think we have to play by rules that are for our “greater good.” We’ve been made to think there is scarcity in the world, that there is not enough to go around. Or maybe, that WE are not enough. Now, I do want to say that not all folks who work for or in the government have this knowledge. Many there have also been brainwashed. Our ancestors were brainwashed, and so the story trickles down. But, if you really think about it, there IS an abundance of everything else in the world, so why wouldn’t there also be an abundance of money?
For those of you who do not understand that there is an abundance of everything else, let me break it down…

Have you ever noticed that not everybody has the same interests as you? Or is attracted to the same types of people? Or likes the same type of food? Or likes the same music? Or likes the same places to travel to? Or, or, or…? I can keep going, but I’m sure you are starting to see my point. There is an abundance of everything in this world so that everybody can have what they want and more! Dreams do come true, you just need to believe that whatever it is that you want and need, exists in the world! And that it exists in great supply! And, that you are deserving, and you ARE enough.

With this new knowing, it’s easier for me to imagine that I can create and attract whatever I need, whenever I need it. It’s almost as simple as saying, “Hi Universe, can you please print more money so that I can have ________?” (Fill in the blank with whatever you want.)
I still need to do the work, and take the necessary steps that would be in alignment with manifesting/creating/attracting more money, and that’s also what makes it rewarding. It feels good when I’ve requested something and receive it because I’ve earned it. What I mean is that when I ask for something, it has integrity in its foundation. When I ask for something that I feel allows me to be of greater service, and would make me happy in receiving it, it’s usually delivered.

You too have earned to receive abundance and lots of wonderful things to come your way. Just ask the Universe and take the necessary steps that would be in alignment with your request. You are a very powerful, deserving, intelligent, and loving being. Start with that knowing and go from there.

‘Til next time, thanks for reading & Happy Dreaming! 🙂