Children’s Day

Children’s Day

Children’s Day

Did you have a powerful female in your life, who led you, held you when you were sad or sick, and promised you everything would be alright? If yes, that is great you had such a wonderful role model. Just as there are wonderful examples of what a “mom” can be and has stood for, not everyone had a nurturing, supportive, unconditionally loving mother growing up.

Are you one of the thousands of kids or adults who feel resentment for Mother’s Day? You’re not alone.

What you can be grateful for is life. You are here because a woman chose to birth you. To carry you in her womb, and give you the opportunity to LIVE. And while perhaps some women didn’t treat the womb with love, care and protection, you are HERE and you can make a difference in your own life and in the lives of others. The circumstances of how you were born or what you were born into do not need to dictate your whole life. Mother’s Day is not about remembering the deeply felt pain of what you didn’t have, it’s about acknowledging your existence and reminding yourself of how loving and wonderful you are!

A woman who does not love herself couldn’t possibly know what it looks like to love another human being. And her life choices may have been sculpted based on her role models, who may not have known self-love either. So if you were the recipient of learning that not all mothers provide love, I AM sending you love.

I want you to know, you ARE loved. You are worthy, you are beautiful, you are strong, you are powerful beyond measure, and you are here for a reason. Even if you were abused, in any way, it’s not YOU that caused that. You may have been an easy target, a mirror, a helpless little child who didn’t have defenses, and that is not your fault. When we are young, we can only hope that the adults, the “big” people will protect us, and that doesn’t always happen. Men and women make unloving choices every day. Wounded children are having children. It’s a vicious cycle that continues to repeat itself, and YOU have an opportunity to end it, for yourself, your future, and your ancestral line. Pray for yourself and for your family. Pray that your family learns to love, and for this, you can be a catalyst.

There is a reason I created The Happy Channel and why I wrote The Love Channel: Finding Your Way to Happiness. There is more to life than what meets the eye or what is deeply felt in the heart. Our memories can provide pathways to healing, and understanding.

So, today get in front of a mirror and look yourself in the eye. Or, just say out loud, “I am an amazing human being. I was brought into this world to make a difference. I am not my past, and I can be my own role model. I am strong, beautiful, desirable and I deserve to live a life I love. I am enough and have always been enough. I am loved and everything is going to be okay.”

Self-love is the key to your happiness. Discover your beauty, your big heart, your kindness, and embrace all that is YOU. Mother’s Day, recreate what life means to you.

‘Til next time, thanks for reading, and keep on believing!

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I’m a Published Author!

I’m a Published Author!

After years of procrastinating, I finally did it! I wrote and published a book! And April 14th is the Book Launch! I wrote this book for you! I was thinking about you and your struggles, your hard times, your disappointments and your deepest fears. I knew what you...
There is NO Competition

There is NO Competition

There is NO Competition

There is no competition. I say this over and over when companies interview me to determine if they can provide me with services for my websites. They want to know; who is my competition? And I always say the same, ‘I do not feel I have any.’ This is not an egotistical remark, it is quite the opposite!

Ya’ see, the purpose of life is to make a difference in the world somehow. To be of service, to help our fellow brothers and sisters to achieve something of greater value than when we arrived here. We all have the skills, and we learn as we go on how to implement these skills and live a life we love. The tricky part is that we are still living in a time of great fear. Fear dominates our lives; prohibiting us to move forward towards our dreams with total support and total faith in its assured outcome. What I mean by total support is that while you may have one or two people eager to help, the majority of people will sit back and hide, either in fear of what others will think, or fear of there not being enough money, time, resources or space for everything to coexist smoothly. Fear is a lie. There is an abundance of everything and great teachers and masters know this.

I recently wrote a Newsletter about this Worldly Abundance. Here’s an excerpt, “Just as there is an abundance of Italian restaurants, different models of cars, and an incredible number of white t-shirts, there is an abundance of money to experience it all! Think I’m joking? Take a look at the Fun and Happy Facts! >>>>>

  • All US$ coins and bills in circulation today are worth US$1.2 Trillion! (That’s just USD!) And did you know the World population currently is approximately 7.2 billion? [Ref.]
  • If a person had 10 billion $1 notes and spent one every second of the day, it would take 317 years to spend it all. [Ref.]
  • Over 170 different currencies are used around the world today. [Ref. Hall, Alvin D. 2008. Show Me the Money: How to Make Cents of Economics. New York, NY: DK Publishing]”

So, then why do we compete with one another? It is the fear of not being good enough to make a difference. That your skills, products, invention, ideas, etc., will be overlooked, not valued, unfulfilled and therefore your EGO strikes a chord, a nerve for you to ‘be better’ than somebody else and their ideas, skills, products, ideas, etc. The truth is we ALL have something beautiful we bring to the table. While we may have similar ideas, our imprint is unique. Each individual contributes uniquely. Your energy, and your soul has its own blueprint. So, there is no need to compete. We all like different things, and it is because we are unique, that we CAN create a million different t-shirt lines, have over 75 brands of cars, and have an abundance of Italian restaurants outside of Italy!

If you truly want to make a difference in this world, you will find like-minded people to collaborate with, rather than tear down. We can help each other to experience life at its most magnificent. WE can help each other to enJOY our time here. The goal is to help our world evolve. And it starts with you and your mindset. Look around and you will see abundance everywhere. There is no competition.

Restaurant Delivery & Takeout Integrity

Restaurant Delivery & Takeout Integrity

Restaurant Delivery & Takeout Integrity

When did it become okay for restaurants to skimp on providing excellent food and presentation for Delivery and Take-Out orders? We pay the same money, sometimes more, and yet often times if you don’t open the box or container before leaving or when your delivery guy is there, something is amiss.

This perfectly explains why one time when leaving a restaurant, the girl who is normally so nice and friendly towards me barely looked at me after giving me my take away box. I even put a tip in the tip jar, said thank you and walked out without a word of acknowledgment from her. I thought to myself to look inside, but I did not, and that was my mistake. When I got home and opened the box I said, “What the?!?!” It was a salad in a crispy bowl, one that I’ve ordered often, and know how it is supposed to be presented. What I saw was so sad. All the ingredients were there, but the crispy bowl was half the normal size and looked like it was crushed on one side.

This has happened to me before, in pretty much all the cities I’ve lived in. Almost always something is forgotten, or the portions are smaller, or the wrong food is delivered. That DID happen to me when I was living in NYC. Correct bill, wrong food.

So, I’m just speaking up for all my fellow take-out and delivery folk who can relate. We deserve the same great food, service, and PORTIONS as if we were present. People in the restaurant industry, please have integrity across the board. It makes a difference and could be the difference between having a mediocre business and a great one.

‘Til next time, thanks for reading & happy ordering, eating and enjoying! 🙂

Who Wants World Peace?

Who Wants World Peace?

Who Wants World Peace?

Do you want World Peace?
Many of you have said you want it, but are you willing to authentically do what it takes to have it?

All that is needed is LOVE.
And this needs to start at home, within you.
Once you have mastered love for yourself, you can love others.
And once you begin loving others, they too can learn self-love and then spread the love.
We can teach each other what it looks like to love one another.
And then we will have World Peace.

But so many of you refuse to love yourselves and thus refuse to love others. Why do you do this?
Do you think you do not deserve love? Do you think it will run out? Do you think it is not real?

If you’ve ever taken the time to not work; to take a bath, to play outside, to watch your kids sleep, to take a nap, to take a vacation to a place you’ve dreamed of visiting; then you know about love.

Self-love requires you to look deep within yourself, to ask yourself what you really need and want right now.
Is it a new job?
Is it a new partner?
Is it to be in a relationship?
Is it to be single?
Is it to live in a new location?
Is it to take a vacation?
Is it to travel around the world?
Is it to love your body just as it is?

Are you beating yourself up for past choices? Are you choosing partners who hurt you? Do you continually find yourself living out the same patterns, repeating conversations that sound like many you’ve had before? Are you tired of the same ol’ same ol’ routine? Are you tired in general? Do you want to avoid life altogether and sleep all the time?

If any of this resonates or has triggered you in some way, it’s time to stop fighting yourself. Be done with suffering.

Every day the sun rises and you wake, you have an opportunity to have a love-filled day.

World peace begins with Self-peace. Having peace within means you know love within.
Take time to get to know yourself, rediscover the love that has always been there and you will feel peace in your heart.

Sometimes we need to grieve to heal, and that’s okay. Let your tears flow, they will cleanse your body and soul. Give yourself permission to feel whatever you need to feel, to release what’s been hurting inside. Write your feelings in a journal.

The time is now.
Stop punishing others for the lack of love within. Stop avoiding yourself. If you take the time to really uncover who you authentically are, you’ll be blown away by how amazing you are! How powerful you are! How big your heart truly is! And how there is an endless supply of love for yourself so you can love others abundantly too!

Today can be your day. Today you can be free. Today you can choose YOU. Today you can choose LOVE.

(Please, choose LOVE.)

‘Til next time, thanks for reading, and keep on LOVING! 🙂